“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!”
We lost Hobbes in October of 2008. We prayed and prayed, but he was gone. It might seem silly to some of you that I have grieved over a cat so, but I did. And I hurt even more for my youngest who grieved even more than I did. It's such a helpless feeling to watch your child hurt so and not be able to fix it. Losing Hobbes somewhat represented to me the many things we lost this year that were dear to us. Through it all I have had to trust that God sees the bigger picture and His purposes will be revealed in His time. I have had to give up control and truly trust the One who is trustworthy. I wish I could say I did this gracefully, but I didn't. I struggled. I wrestled. I cried. I thought of Jacob who wrestled with God, and when it was over, he walked away with a limp. He walked away broken, and he walked away touched by God. I pray that I am walking out of 2008 with a limp, but closer to God. I do know that I am walking away knowing that God is Emmanuel. He is with me.
I understand, dear Marcia. :group: Thank you for sharing your heart. Your post has ministered to me tonight.
Much love~
Praying 2009 is amazing for you friend! ;)
Love your heart sweet friend and understand that pain of being broken.
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